Kobe University’s Office of Research Management (URA) provides you with any assistance they may require when you consider to get Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) grants till the final submission of your proposal. All services are provided in English. For more information, please see the attached service description.

If you intend to use the services by the URA, please submit the registration form from the below link.
URL: https://forms.gle/Zh6W8PFxXfvrin5W7

URA service


Kobe University researchers who wish to apply for Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI) in English

Mailing service

Office of Research Management will provide the latest grant calls information by e-mail to the registers. Mails are expected to enclose the latest calls information of Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (KAKENHI). The office also set up a dedicated online communication space for Kobe University's international researchers on Slack.

Review service

Office of Research Management will review your proposal and give advice on how to effectively demonstrate the strength of your research in accordance with the assessment criteria. We will assign appropriate Research Manager(s) for your proposal.

KAKENHI Guideline for Kobe University members

Please use the KAKENHI Guideline published by Office of Research Management, when you start preparations of your proposal.


If you have any questions for the support, please contact us directly. Office of Research Management (URA)